Adding Time

To add time to a client, there must be an open job and the job must have at least one task (See the Add Jobs fact sheet for How-To)

The three main ways to add time are

> The the clock icon

> Through the time sheet screen from the Dashboard

> On the time sheet tab of the job

Time can also be added to a newly-created AdHoc job via the search icon.


Clock Time Entry

Click the Clock icon (top right), then the + or the +Add Time buttons



You can use the Start button to record on-going time, or key actual time in the time box

Time is in hours and minutes but you can also enter decimals: eg 1.5 hours will display as 1:30.  0.1 will show as 0:06 (6 minutes)

Enter the client, job, task and Description of work.

Click save to complete

Your time entry is now recorded in the list.

Click on it to edit or hover over it to see the Discard link if you want to delete it.

The Calendar icon to the right of the date will display the last week and let you scroll back through prior weeks.

Click on a day to open the timesheet entries – you can edit any item that has not already been billed or locked (eg to shift time to a different entity or correct a description).


Timesheet Tab: Daily Entry

Click the “Enter Time” button from the dashboard (top left)

Enter the details and Save.

You can use this screen to add time for any date in a non-locked period.  You

No need to enter an office in the Office field.  Leave the Billable box ticked.


Timesheet Tab: Weekly Entry

Click the “Enter Time” button from the dashboard (top left).

Click on the Weekly tab to show a list of all the jobs you’ve worked on this week.  You can add a job, or add time to an existing job.

This screen is useful to see what you’ve worked on over the week, but won’t be your main method of entering time.


Timesheet Tab: Weekly Entry

Open the job and click on the TimeSheet tab.  Add your time and save.